Featured Programs

BS Chemistry

BS Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry offers BS program in Chemistry which has been designed to address the future challenges to our World and preparing the graduates to help in identifying and suggesting solutions for either stopping or at least slowing down the process of rapid change taking place. The program aims to develop researchers to serve in universities, Institutes for ecology, environmental a

B.S Zoology

B.S Zoology

To enable the students to learn about all basic and advanced ideas of the subject. To prepare students to do research in the latest fields as Physiology, Genetics, and Molecular Biology. To equip students with skills in various disciplines ranging from molecular biology, through physiology and neurobiology, to the study of populations in both an ecological and evolutionary framework. To develop

B.S Maths

B.S Maths

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program is designed for those students who want to pursue their study in the field of Mathematics. Mathematics is a basic and powerful tool for solving problems and a highly creative field of study. Mathematics is important to all areas of our society and is a foundation for many different kinds of careers. Mathematical graduates are in high demand and can obt

B.S Economics

B.S Economics

Bachelor of Science in Economics program is designed for those students who, after completing their 12 years of education, are looking for some knowledge based, career oriented and market determined educational program in the field of Economics. The program is the blend of different courses like theoretical, quantitative and applied areas in economics, which will enable the students to review,