Associate Degree Programs

Associate Degree Programs

Curriculum for Associate Degrees to be offered by Affiliating Universities in Colleges

Recently the HEC, PHEC and HED in keeping with the government’s new initiative to focus on quality of education and enhance employability of graduates took the policy decision to abolish the 2-year BA/BSc degrees offered, principally, in affiliated colleges across Pakistan on the annual system pattern. These degrees are to be replaced by the academically more rigorous and relevant 2-year associate degrees, offered on the semester system pattern, by the next academic year. The associate degree model of offering high quality education with technical expertise at a low cost to produce skillful and employable graduates has been implemented with great success in the developed world. These degrees offered in a wide array of subjects are divided into associate of arts (A.S), associate of science (A.S) and associate of applied (AAS). The associate degree programs prepare students for a specific career or to transfer into a bachelor's degree program offered at university level. Given the expected change from annual to semester system, in order to facilitate the affiliating universities, curriculum in areas expected to have greater mobility and employability, such as CS, IT etc. have been prepared with the goal of inculcating general education, discipline specific knowledge as well as key market-driven practical skills. The objective of equipping students with both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience is to help them transition to either further their academic career through transfer to the BS4YP or by entering the job market. List of (10) programs for which the curriculum is enclosed is as under:

1. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Computer Science.

2. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Computer Networking & Infrastructure.

3. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Database Management System.

4. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Web Design and Development.

5. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Cyber Security.

6. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

7. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Hotel and Restaurant Management.

8. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Economics.

9. Associate Degree (AD) Program in Business Administration.

10. Associate Degree (AD) Program in English Language and Linguistics.

Universities are encouraged to use these as a template to prepare curriculum for the various 2-year arts and sciences associate degree programs to be offered in colleges in the upcoming academic year while also ensuring vertical mobility of high-performing students through transfer to the 5th semester of the BS 4 year programs. It is also suggested that the award of 2-year associate degree be contingent upon completing a mandatory 3-month internship for which a Pass/Fail grade may be allocated following a presentation given by the student and submission of a report.

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